praying not blowing out candles


How did you learn to pray?

It’s not blowing out candles with wishes.

With your mom? Watching your mom pray after reading her Bible just about every morning?

At church in Sunday school and services? Over your meals?

Somehow I knew to pray every night .  Mostly for forgiveness and occasionally thank you.  I don’t remember asking for guidance though I must have because there were times I just knew it was right.

Then my world began to expand.  My inner spiritual world.  Seems there was a lot more to this praying than I practiced.  I knew that but I didn’t know.  I began to learn.

My daughter and I were talking this morning after waffles about learning to pray, having opportunity to actually pray.  

We talked about prayer warriors we know, by name.

What do they do? I mean, how do they pray? What is  their discipline that they would be known as women of prayer. Warriors. Ezers.

One keeps a notebook and opens it daily; sets the time and prays through the prayer letters from global partners around the world that she knows for 2 hours.  When the time is up; she places a book mark to note where to begin the next day.  FOR TWO HOURS.     B y  h e r s e l f.

Wonder what kind of stories she has to tell?

Good ones I imagine.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.  James 5:16                                                                                   

blessings, linda          

About chinamom3078

I am a woman who loves Jesus who loved me first. Prone to wander and distraction is common for me as I seek to reflect Him in my daily life. I am wife, mom, and grandma who has lived on 3 continents in 26+ apartments, townhouses, military housing, suburbs and now a 200 plus year old farm house. Preparing and hosting meals for the hundreds who have passsed through our home has been a joy and blessing to our family as we listened and shared over meals, coffee, light nights and Bible studies. A rich life! I have reached the age to feel qualifies to be an ”older woman” (as in Titus) even though I feel far from old and have plenty of room to grow each and everyday. And my joy is to teach Bible studies and help train other women to lead well.
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